

It’s time to make the magic happen.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am rebranding GreenStone Pathways. This business name reflected things I liked and that, I felt, represented me … after a fashion. For 15 years it embodied the variety of income producing interests, talents and skills I utilized.

That being said, changes have begun. I’ve already discontinued walking some of those familiar paths. My intent, now, is to focus solely on the preserved ones: education and nurturing via communication (which can take a variety of forms) and dōTERRA® essential oils … with a splash of home-crafted natural products on the side*.

The name I’ve chosen to represent this honed route happened upon me a forgotten number of years ago. Every time I’ve thought about it it’s filled me with both inspiration (etymologically) and happiness (acoustically). It is SHEMAYA.

In Aramaic, Shemaya means: the sacred vibration of the entire manifested cosmos! In English, its been reduced to the descriptive ‘heaven’. Shemaya is the frequency (energy) emanating from the Divine Source of All Creation which, while unseen, expressively provides substance for engaging the senses by creating scent, form, sound, color etc. It is through Shemaya that I will continue growing my life and my oil business.

I look forward to all of our collaborative interactions in the days and years to come!

Charlotte Bengsch

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